I’m An Idiot, But I Went to The Movies
Yesterday I hired a babysitter. Actually it was an an Artist Sitterâ„¢ from Sitters Studio. The reason that I hired a babysitter is that I had it in my calendar that was going to a yoga workshop with my friend from elementary school, Nick Atlas.I rushed out the door and left the kids with Laura. I texted Nick that I was on my way. He replied:"Uh, you know that the workshop is tomorrow right?"I paused for a second, looked at the empty N train track and realized that I had totally fucked up.What was I going to do? Laura was already watching the kids, and it was too late to cancel. So I called around to a few of my friends to see if they could hang out.Everyone I called was either with their kids or asleep. My single friends' phones went to voicemail.I was freezing, and I didn't want to go home, so I went to Target and bought a sweater.What the hell am I going to do with myself for four hours? I thoughtI called my best friend Mint."I want to go to the movies," I sort of whined "But nobody can hang out. I don't really want to [...]
I fell Asleep and Ari Needs a Cooking Class
I was tired. It's not an excuse, but it happened. Ari was in the living room watching The Smurfs, his new obsession. I had been transcribing and taking care of Samara all day while he was at school. I told myself Self, you're tired. Wil is not going to home until midnight. Just rest your eyes for a few minutes. Well a few minutes totally turned into 30 minutes.Ari came barreling into the bedroom and woke me up saying:"Mommy! I made a mess!"Of course the one time in my parenting life that I fall asleep on the job this happens to me.I walk into the living room to find that he has taken the Ajax from the bathroom and sprinkled it all over the floor like freshly fallen snow. He has also decorated a shoebox with shampoo, conditioner, Bacitracin and lotion. Also in the shoebox are all of his toy smurfs.I was speechless. I was also groggy from my impromptu nap. It was especially upsetting, because that very day a lovely cleaning lady had deep cleaned my house."You're going to help me clean all of this up and you're not watching TV tomorrow.""Okay." He said"What were you trying to do anyway?""I [...]
What Does Geodeo Smell Like?
I'm giving away a year supply of Geodeo, a natural deodorant. But you may be wondering what does it smell like? I'm here to answer your questions about that.
Geodeo – “I don’t stink anymore” Giveaway
When you post things on the internet, sometimes people look at them! That's what happened to me. I posted a silly video about how natural deodorant has not worked for me and has (in fact) made me smell like sewage. You can watch that video here.Fortunately, Kristi from the Geodeo natural deodorant company was watching. Kristi came to save the day! She offered to send me a year supply of Geodeo, and another year supply for a lucky reader.Thanks Kristi! Sorry, I totally called you Kristen in the video, but you get the point. Check it out: Do you know how to enter?Now you do! Look at this cool thing!a Rafflecopter giveawayRemember, to enter you need to post a comment. The other entries are extras and increase the probability of winning. **Disclosure - I received free Geo Deo! Aren't I lucky? The best part about it was I actually liked it! Also, I wanted I wasn't paid for this post. It doesn't matter though, because (once again) I really like this deodorant. Yay!
Empty Containers and Rogue Garbage – A Rant
Everyone has pet peeves about their house, these are two of mine:
Natural Deodorant Stinks
Ever since I learned about the dangers of aluminum, I've tried to start using deodorants that do not contain it. However, the result is that I smell like garbage.Let me break it down for y'all:
Jessica Bern’s Web Series “Blog That” – An Interview
Jessica Bern is one of the funniest people on the internet.Here's one of my favorite vlogs from her about tupperware: This video makes me laugh every single time.Jessica is currently producing a web series called "Blog That." She sat down with me via Skype to tell me all about her upcoming series, which chronicles a divorced woman whose husband leaves her for his mother. To learn more about Blog That and to help support the project on kickstarter, click here To learn more about Jessica and her hilarity, visit her blog here.
Robot Butler
I just want someone to make me dinner, is that too much to ask?
The Kids Get Haircuts By Vardit on The Upper West Side
After receiving the best haircut of my curly girl life, by the lovely and talented Vardit, I was longing to get my kids the same quality of cut. Unfortunately in Park Slope, haircuts for kids cost an arm and a leg. I was lamenting about my haircut woes on Facebook, when my Fairy God Mother, Kyle came to the rescue, she reminded me that Vardit cuts children's hair, and a reasonable price too. So we headed uptown to 102nd Street to visit Vardit for Samara's first haircut ever! I tried to wait as long as possible to cut her hair, but she's a curly girl too, and she needed a good trim and shaping. The minute I walked in the door, I told Vardit how much everyone loves my haircut. She looked at me and said "That's great, but you know, with curly hair, you can't just wake up and go; it's a process." She reminded me that if I didn't want my hair to look frizzy, I needed to wet my hair and condition it daily, and only shampoo once every three days or so. But the most important thing was to use the right product, for me she [...]
On The Road to Financial Recovery
On Wednesday night I took a big step. After seeing my therapist, and discussing how money seems to fall through my hands like water, he suggested that I hand over my debit and credit cards to a trustworthy person. I chose one of the most trustworthy people, I know, my dad. I if I need to spend any money at all, I'll have to go to my dad and ask him for my card. I would have given my cards to Wil, but he's at work most of the time, so that wouldn't be a feasible plan. Wil supports this decision to hand over the plastic to Fader senior. Whenever I need to pay for something, anything, I need to physically go to my dad and ask him for my debit card.So far it seems to be working. Yesterday, I really wanted to go to the store (before I went to play Magic and Cori and Kodjo's place) and get a GUS soda. But I didn't have my cards, so I couldn't spend any money. And guess what? I didn't miss that soda at all. To clarify, the plan is that I have to ask my dad for my card [...]
The Day That Samara Broke My Phone Part 2
After repeated calling Tristan, I finally managed to get him on the phone. I was pleased to discover that his ring back tone was "Moves like Jagger." He answered and I explained the situation to him. "What color is your phone?" He asked. "Um, let me check." I said. We both laughed. "It's black." "Okay cool," he said "I'll order the screen for you, and when it comes in, we'll meet up, I'll fix it and you'll have your phone back in an hour. Don't worry, it's not major surgery." He reassured me. I laughed. We arranged to meet up at the mall on Friday. *** As it turns out, I lost my phone, today. I won't be meeting Tristan, I guess. I'm about to call him to break the news... So I called Tristan, and it went straight to voicemail. *** Like a bad ex-boyfriend, my phone showed up again, cracked screen and all. As it turns out I left it at Ari's school. Wil sent me a Facebook message, because that's how we were communicating since I had a distinct lack of phone. He said "Ari's teacher has your phone. You left it on the playground." When I [...]
The Day Samara Broke My IPhone
*The names of some individuals in this store have been changed to protect their identities. I used to have an IPhone, until today. Samara woke up in a cranky stupor this morning. I quickly gave her a bottle of organic whole milk, hoping that would lift her mood, but she refused it. She sat on my bed, picked up my IPhone and threw it hastily onto the floor while screaming. I picked up my phone, thinking nothing of it, and found that the screen had shattered into tiny pieces. It looked like a spider web. My jaw dropped. I didn't know what to do or say. So I called Wil. "They're not gonna replace your phone you know." "They have to!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to the Verizon store and I'm going to beg them to give me another phone." "We'll see," said my unconvinced husband. "I'm not leaving the store without a new phone." I said firmly. "Let me know what happens." He said with a sigh. I loaded the kids into the double stroller while talking to my friend Cordy on the phone about gay marriage and how we're both passionate about equal rights. The kids and I [...]
Interview With Adam Mansbach, Author of Go the Fuck to Sleep and a Giveaway!
Today was an awesome day. I had the opportunity to interview the amazing Adam Mansbach, author of the required parental reading Go the Fuck to Sleep. Adam talked me with me over Skype about sleeping, critics, fatherhood and more!Check out what he has to say:Guess what insomniacs? I'm giving away a copy of Adam's masterpiece. Want to win GTFTS?Each counts as an entry!1. Follow Go the Fuck to Sleep on Facebook2. Share this giveaway on Facebook and link to Old/School New School Mom's FB page3. Follow Old School/New School Mom on Facebook.4. Follow OS/NS mom on Google Friend Connect 5. Post a comment on why you think this book is awesome. 6. Tweet this giveaway!Please post a comment telling any or all of those things that you did!Winner will be announced Thursday September 27th here!
Ari’s First Day of Pre K
Wil and I often talked about this day together, the first day that Ari would start school. In the past he told me: "You're gonna cry." I thought he was right. I was sure that the moment I left Ari in the hands of his new Pre-K teacher I would start to tear up. But I was wrong. I didn't cry. In fact, it was quite the opposite feeling, I was happy. I was excited for him. I just knew he would love school. Part of it was that I'd heard great things about this particular teacher and I specifically requested her. But other than that, I know my kid, and I know he's dying to meet new friends, play with toys, and learn new things about the world. I think Wil is more emotional about this day than I am. My only worry at this point is not about Ari, it's about me. It's about the parents. I'm way too weird and crazy for any of the parents to like me, I think. And it's hard for me to edit myself and pretend to be "normal." Hopefully, Ari will make friends and so will I. How was your first [...]
The Winner of The Crocodile Creek Back to School Giveaway is…
The winner of the Back to School giveaway with Crocodile Creek is: Jess from The Fevered Pen! Congratulations! Now, would you care for a sports car lunch box... Or...a lady bug lunch box? Congratulations Jess!*Winner was selected by Random.org. Special thanks to Crocodile Creek for this great giveaway!