Private Picassos and Ari
For Ari's fourth birthday, Aunt Mimi and Uncle Mike got him a series of in home art lessons with a New York City based company called Private Picassos. The great thing about Private Picassos, is that the lesson literally comes to you. Your art teacher brings all the materials and comes to your home! Ari loved his personalized art lessons, here's a video of what he and Valeen, the founder of Private Picassos, did in Ari's individualized lessons:
Samara Needs Friends
I have two children, one of them is four and the other one is 18 months. Ari, the four year old, is my first born. I wrote down every milestone, I waited with baited breath for him to talk and walk and eat solid food. Then came his sister, Samara. One day I noticed Samara was sitting up How could that be? She was just born. And just like that, she was crawling, and saying mama, and I hadn't written any of it down, and she didn't even have a baby book. Oy! You get the point. Well, here's the best part of the whole thing. I made huge efforts for Ari to have friends. Since he was nine months old, I went to the library, I hung out at the playground, and I mom dated. I sifted through the sea of Park Slope moms, and found some people that I actually liked, and who liked me. Ari found some kids who he didn't hit very often, and liked to play with on the playground and at their houses.Samara, on the other hand, doesn't have any friends. Wait, wait, hold on, that's not entirely true. She does occasionally hang out [...]
How do you hold it together when everything is falling apart? The fabric is itchy and uncomfortable. My insides hurt, they're swollen and red. I feel circular. Everything is spinning, and I want to stop it but I can't. I can't turn it around. I want to find my covers and crawl under them. I want to fall into a deep sleep and dream.
Back To School Giveaway With a Crocodile Creek Lunch Box!
Ari is starting Pre-K in September. I can hardly believe it. I was thinking about the supplies he might need, and one that crossed my mind was a lunch box. I happen to love the Crocodile Creek lunch boxes. They're well made, and they have awesome designs that kids love! I wrote to Bill over at Crocodile Creek and asked if we could do a back to school giveaway here on OS/NS mom, he graciously accepted! Ari loves his new Crocodile Creek lunch box! I mean, what's not to love, right? it's got a race car on it. Want to see what's inside? I thought you did. If you're curious to know what Ari's having for lunch, here's the breakdown: a peanut butter and honey sandwich on organic whole wheat bread. The peanut butter has no sodium and is organic and so is the honey, grape tomatoes, water and an organic string cheese. Want to win a Crocodile Creek lunch box? If you're child prefers lady bugs to race cars, you could opt to win this one instead! What are you waiting for! Enter to win! Please post a comment telling which of these you did; each of them counts [...]
Vardit Gives Me The Best Haircut of My Life Thanks To Kyle
I was on Facebook this morning, and I posted what was on my mind, I needed a haircut, and one that didn't cost 1.5 million dollars, one that didn't leave me looking like this: Enter my dear friend, Kyle. Here's what happened: Uponing reading this post, I had a giant smile on my face, and I called Vardit immediately. She said that Kyle just happened to be coming in for a hair appointment today! She suggested that we surprise her and I come in for my cut right after Kyle's appointment. "She will be so surprised, it'll be great." Vardit said. "Would it be all right if I brought my kids?" I asked Vardit over the phone."Sure!" She said warmly. "Just bring something to entertain them." I thought for a moment and then I knew just who to bring: Grandma! My mom and I drove uptown to 102nd street, and we headed to Riverside Park to kill some time before the appointment. After we ran around in the park, we headed to Vardit's studio. As soon as we entered, I immediately felt at home. Vardit was so welcoming, and warm. I felt like she was a second Jewish mother. She [...]
Fall Aproaches
The summer is almost over, and I'm excited and nervous for the fall. It'll be a big change for me, because Ari is going to school! I can't believe this day is already here. He's four years-olds. I remember being pregnant with him. I remember pushing him out. I remember nursing him day and night. I remember every moment leading up to Ari moving from baby to boy. He's a little man now. When I previously thought about the first day of school, I thought I would cry. But I don't think I'm going to now. I think he's ready for it, and so am I. I'm actually excited. I'm excited for him to meet new friends, and explore, learn, and become a bigger human. It's going to be strange being home with just Samara. I wonder if she'll be bored. She's so used to having her big brother around. I've already registered her for an art class, and I'm thinking about doing a music class with her as well. But I need to make sure I have time to work. I was thinking about putting her in some sort of day care for one day a week, but everything [...]
A Fun Day With Allison From Sitters Studio!
I never call a babysitter. I'm with my kids all day every day. Unless Wil is home from work and he watches them, or my parents hang out with them for an hour or two. But the other day, none of those options were available to me, and I started to panic, because I had an acupuncture appointment that I really didn't want to miss. I thought long and hard about my predicament and then I realized I had another option. I recalled Ari's visits to Playtime. I remembered the Artist Sitters™ from Sitters Studio. Ari loved hanging out with the Artist Sitters™, while I went to the theater! For those of you that aren't familiar with Sitters Studio, it's very unique, because the baby sitters are also artists of some kind, whether it be actors, dancers, circus performers or poets. I headed to Google and found Sitters Studio, and gave them a call. I was greeted by a gregarious Robby in customer service. He told me what the rates were, and assured me that he would find me an awesome babysitter would would mesh with my kids' personalities, which I described to him in detail over the phone. Hi [...]
Just a Little…
I had an epiphany yesterday. Hey, that would be a pretty rad name for a child, Epiphany. Anyhow, I realized that I've been complaining about Ari's teenager-like behavior and outbursts a lot. While it's true that he's going through a difficult phase, pushing boundaries, testing limits, making me feel like pulling my hair out, it's not him. It's not him! It's me. He's four years-old. He's doing all the stuff that he's supposed to be doing. I'm the one who's out of control. I'm the one who's having difficulty handling it. I'm the one that needs to work on myself. And I know exactly what I'm missing. Are you ready for it? Here it is, this is what I need:
Attempted Murder on The Upper East Side With Peanut Butter Bagel
Today, my friends Cori and Kodjo and our kids, Ollie, Ivy, Samara and Ari all went to the Central Park Zoo. It was a lot of fun, until we set foot on an Upper East Side playground. Upon entering the playground we were met with a resounding amount of hostile looks and strange interactions. It was like they knew the Brooklyn parents were coming. Here's one interaction that particularly stood out in my mind as bizarre: I went to see what Ari was up to on the giant slide while Cori was keeping an eye on Samara. When I returned, Cori informed me that one mother let her know that Samara should stay away from her stroller, because Samara was eating a bagel with peanut butter on it, and one of her twin girls had a severe peanut allergy. When I returned, Cori let me know what this woman said. Cori and I immediately starting asking the mom questions, out of genuine curiosity, did she have an epi pen? Could her daughter eat items that were made in the same factory as nuts? The woman became noticeably defensive. "It's just life!" She said shrugging her shoulders. "Things could be worse!" [...]
Pigeons and The Playground
There's something about me that you may not know, but you will know it after today. I hate pigeons. I don't think I never realized how much I actually hated them until today. Let me tell you a story. Ari, Samara and I went to the playground. We had a pit stop at Blue Sky Bakery on the way there. Ari got a cookie and Samara and I picked up muffins, Pumpkin Apple Walnut for her and Zucchini triple berry for me. I also got a iced coffee with half and half and cinnamon. I packed it all in a paper bag and we headed to the playground with the goods. Upon arriving at the playground, I sat on a bench and set the kids loose to play. Guess what? They didn't want to go anywhere. All they wanted to do was sit on the bench and watch the pigeons, who were hanging around next to the bench where I was trying to drink my iced coffee in peace. I love my children, but I brought them to the playground so that they would leave me alone. I wanted them to go find someone else to play with besides me [...]
I Want to Run Through The Sprinkler of Life
The other day I ran through the sprinklers at the playground fully clothed wearing my favorite dress. Ari asked me to do it. He said: "Mommy, will you run in the sprinkler with me?" I thought about it for a second. I'm annoyed with myself that I even questioned the idea of running through the sprinkler, as that is a fun thing to do. It shouldn't be a question. I want to be fun. I want to enjoy things in life. I don't want to be thinking about stuffy responsible adult things like budgets, 401ks, and college funds. College funds are important though, but so is fun. There has to be a balance. I love the joy in Ari's eyes when he is immersed in something that he loves. I strive every day to achieve that joy within myself. There are few things that give me that internal ecstasy, writing is one of them. When I write, I feel free, I feel like I'm flying, like I can say anything. I feel unfiltered, like my voice can be heard. I feel the same way about singing. When I sing, I don't think, I just sing. I do it! I want [...]
Ari has been throwing massive tantrums lately if he doesn't get what he wants. For example, if Wil or I tell him that he can't watch any more TV and he has to go to sleep he freaks out and starts crying and writhing on the floor. If we ignore it, eventually he stops, but it's really intense and hard to deal with. Last night Wil said to me: "Babe, I think we spoiled him, that's why he acts like that." "What do you mean?" I asked "We buy him toys all the time, he needs to listen to us and behave to get what he wants." I agreed with Wil that I wanted Ari to listen to us. I also expressed my want for him to not to writhe on the floor in protest when he doesn't get what he wants. But this whole conversation got me thinking about the word "spoiled." Is it possible to "spoil" a child? I love my son. He means the world to me. I want to do everything I can to give him a good life and make him happy. I want him to be content. Does this mean I'm "spoiling him?" I [...]
Ari, You’re Going To Hate Me When You’re 16 But…
Me: Ari! You didn't pee in your bed last night! High five.(We high five)Me: You know why?Ari: Why?Me: Because you didn't drink a lot of water before you went to bed.Ari: No, no. It's because I held my penis when I went to sleep.???
The Pen is Mighty
When I was in the 5th grade at P.S. 87, I had a student teacher named Luis. I loved him. In addition to being charismatic and cute (that never hurts when your a ten year-old girl) I felt that he understood me. Luis took the time to get to know each and every one of us in Mrs. Gumbs' class. He knew that Jason G. was full of energy and great at kick ball. He knew that Iana was an actress and Ellie was a social butterfly. He knew that I hated kick ball. This was solidified one day when I was standing out on the field wearing my artistic tweed coat. I was daydreaming about something or another when all of sudden I felt a huge force assault me in the stomach. It was a fire red kick ball that Jason Z. (who was also quite the kick ball connoisseur) had just thrown directly into my abdomen. I fell onto the ground and saw colored spots. "Are you okay?" Luis said as he rushed to my side. "Yeah, yeah," I said quickly jumping to my feet and brushing my tweed coat off. "I'm fine." I didn't want to look [...]
Ari Goes To Barking Cat Studio Day Camp
Ari is four years-old now. I can't believe it! It has truly gone fast. He'll be going to Pre-K in the fall. I was nervous about him starting school, which is from 8:30 am to 3pm since he's been home with me for the past four years. So I signed him up for day camp for one week this summer at Barking Cat Studio, where he takes art classes. Ari being at camp was a great simulation as to how it will be when he goes to school. The hours were the same, 8:30 to 3:30, and he had to bring his lunch. Great practice all around. The first day of camp I was nervous, but Ari was psyched. Until we got in the car, and he asked "Am I going to sleep at camp?" "No, Ari-Boo, I'm going to pick up up in the afternoon." I assured him. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was hectic trying to get up in the morning this past week. I had to wake him up at 7am every day, and I was doing things like holding my coffee and Samara at the same time while frantically searching for my pants and [...]