
What You Might Have Thought of Me in High School

I went to F.H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art & Performing Arts. I was a drama major.The people in the drama program were notoriously extroverted. At 15 years old I had an extroverted side, but I also had a deep rich internal world that I wouldn't let anyone penetrate. I was in my own head a lot. I was thinking about the world and my relationship to it. I was anxious and I was depressed. I was having existential crises on a daily basis.I would wake up with my heart pounding, scared that I was going to die some day.Meanwhile, everyone around me was laughing and putting on lipstick.I can't imagine what other people thought of me.Maybe they thought I was a snob, because I was shy.Perhaps they thought I was an elitist because I was afraid to share my real feelings about things for fear that my peers would call me weird.I didn't know that a panic attack was something I couldn't control.I felt weak. I felt different.I used theater as a way to cope with depression and anxiety.I transmitted all my pain, all my anxiety in acting. When I performed Anne Frank, I became her.  I [...]

By |July 22nd, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on What You Might Have Thought of Me in High School

Circle Line 42 Drawing Contest – Win an IPad Mini

Circle Line 42 is having an awesome contest! If your child is under the age of 12 all they have to do to enter to win an IPad Mini is draw themselves on a Circle Line cruise!Click here to find out more!The kids and I will be attending a Radio Disney cruise on 8/10 with Aunt Mint.Hooray! More on that soon!

By |July 21st, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Circle Line 42 Drawing Contest – Win an IPad Mini

Slow Down You’re Going Too Fast…Crash!

Yesterday, I came out of acupuncture. I made my way to my car. It was 8pm. I pulled out of the parking spot I was in. It was 100 degrees outside and I was tired, very tired. I'd spent the day teaching 11 two year-olds. President street was dimly lit. I turned away for a split second, and I felt it. Metal collided with metal. My body jolted. The car flew up in the air and came crashing down with a thump. My heart left my body. When I came to, I was in the car, stuck. I was attached to the wheel of a black vehicle. Behind me was a van. The impact from the crash had pushed the van from the street onto the sidewalk.  It was surreal. I was unreal. A woman came running out of her building: "You could have died!" She shouted.  A man came and asked if I was all right. "I think so. I'm just shaken." He gave me a hug.  It was just me. My kids were at home. Thank G-d they were not there. Thank everything, they were safe. Two elderly women came out of their building. "You could have died!" [...]

By |July 19th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Slow Down You’re Going Too Fast…Crash!


Inspiration comes in spurts.When it hits me I feel a gold glittery light enter my chest and disperse itself through my body shattering into tiny pieces, entering my bloodstream and turning what was red into bright gold. I am electric, charged, and the golden blood rushes through my veins, from my heart into my arms and through my fingertips. My hands are vibrating with words, they can't stop, they don't stop, they won't stop. They keep going.I have a lot to say, and it's coursing through my veins.This spirit wants to be heard.Who are you?What do you want to tell me?It's my grandmother. She wants to tell me something.She wants me to write.She wants me to use what I have and share it with the world."Let it out!" She says "Share your gift."I'm listening to her.

By |July 14th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Inspiration

Dear MTA Closing the Doors on a Stroller is Not Okay

Dear MTA,This is probably the worst thing you've ever done. It was at the Atlantic Avenue station during rush hour. Exactly 8:24am on Friday 7/12/13. Copious amounts of folks were exiting the train. Just as the people were done exiting I started to push my stroller (which is enormous) on to the D train. As I was doing this, the train conductor decided this would be an appropriate moment to close all the train doors. Are you fucking kidding me?Do you realize how dangerous that was?Do you understand that you could have broken my children's fingers?You really need to get it together!

By |July 12th, 2013|Categories: MTA|Comments Off on Dear MTA Closing the Doors on a Stroller is Not Okay

Samara Can Walk and She’s a Bad Ass

Today I took Samara to school. Ari stayed home, so it was just the two of us. Since I returned the shitty $27 stroller to Target, all I have left is the double stroller. I wasn't about to take one child in the double stroller. That didn't make any sense. So I carried Samara to school in a sling.She stayed in the carrier the entire train ride and half of the walk from the train to school. Then she said "I want to get out!" So I took her out and she held my handand walked down the street.On the way home from school, perhaps she was less tired, because she walked all the way from school to the train, down several flights of subway stairs, once we got to Brooklyn up several flights of subway stairs, then down the street, and finally up three flights of stairs up to our apartment.Samara is a bad ass. She can stand tall and proud and walk miles. Well maybe it was more like a half a mile and she stopped at random building gates, but still. I am proud of my girl!

By |July 11th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Samara Can Walk and She’s a Bad Ass

Dear MTA, One dollar is too much!

Dear MTA,Today I was with my daughter at the Grand Street subway station. I had to refill my Metrocard because it only had $1.25 on it. As you know, it costs more than that to ride the subway these days, and that ride is not worth more than a dime if you ask me. I know you haven't asked me, but I'm telling you anyway. Anyhow, I inserted my Metrocard into the vending machine because all I had with me was my debit card in terms of funding for this expenditure. Well, as soon as the Metrocard entered the machine it got stuck! I was extremely surprised as that has never occurred in my entire native New Yorker life.So I did what any reasonable human being would do under these circumstances, I went up to the token booth (yes I still call it that even though we've moved on to Metrocards) and asked the woman sitting in the booth:"Hi, my Metrocard is stuck in the machine, what do I do?""Did you get a receipt?" She asked."No, because it's stuck in there and the screen is frozen.""Here's an envelope. Send your card to this address so you can get reimbursed.""Well I [...]

By |July 10th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dear MTA, One dollar is too much!

All Right MTA No Air Conditioning Was Bad But You Really Did it ThisTime

Dear MTA,I have been on the D train sitting on the Manhattan bridge for exactly 23 minutes. There has been no explanation as to why we're delayed. I have my two children in a double stroller going completely insane on an unmoving train car. This is completely ridiculous.I am now 30 minutes late for work thanks to you.Once again, why am I paying for a service that is faulty?I have lived in New York City my entire life and the train functioned better in the 1980s when it cost $1.00.Please get it together.Thank You,Sara gū

By |July 9th, 2013|Categories: MTA|Comments Off on All Right MTA No Air Conditioning Was Bad But You Really Did it ThisTime

Dear MTA Please Fix the Air Conditioning

Dear MTA,Today it was 100 degrees outside. I was so excited to get on the D train and potentially get a seat. I had my two children with me in the double stroller. As the doors opened, I got ready to embrace the air conditioned subway car. I was excited, even though it was rush hour.To my dismay, the subway car was crowded and hot. There was no air conditioning. I was devastated and dripping with sweat.I don't believe it's too much to ask for the subway to be air conditioned when it's 100 degrees outside. I understand that shit happens and things break. I get it. The air conditioning was probably broken on that car.The thing is, we're all paying $2.50 per ride. A ride on the train should be comfortable at the very least. I don't want to feel tortured while I'm waiting to arrive at my destination. I'm already cranky. I just want to go home.Please fix the air conditioning on the broken cars.Thanks,Sarah

By |July 8th, 2013|Categories: MTA|Comments Off on Dear MTA Please Fix the Air Conditioning

Legoland Discovery Center – Wee!

Today, the kids, my mom and I jumped in the Fadermobile and headed up to Yonkers to visit the Legoland Discovery Center! It was all my mom's idea. A couple of weeks ago she said "You know Saree," (yes I'm 33 and she still calls me that. What?) "They just opened a Legoland in Westchester. You should write to them and see if they want you to feature it on your blog."She's such a Jewish mother. So I wrote to Legoland and low and behold, Legoland wrote me back. Gladwyn ( in the marketing department) said that Legoland would be delighted to provide me with press passes to visit the Legoland Discovery Center.So off we went! Legoland was loads of fun. When you first enter, you learn about how legos are made and kids get to create their own computerized lego creatures. We also went on a Lego ride where we got to shoot Lego skeletons, warriors and bats!  Samara made a Lego person friend. He rides a bicycle. Ari made some cool Lego creations... And he raced his Lego cars on the racetrack! We saw the Lego version of New York City: It was a hot day so eventually [...]

By |July 6th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Legoland Discovery Center – Wee!

City Kid S’mores

When I was a kid, we lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in an apartment. It was fun growing up in New York, but there were things that kids did in the suburbs or the country that me and my brother did differently. One of them was camping.Kids love S'mores. But when you live in New York City, a campfire is hard to come by. But one thing we did have was a gas stove. So all was not lost.Yesterday I showed Ari how to make S'mores in an apartment. Don't freak out, he was adequately supervised during thus process:

By |July 6th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on City Kid S’mores

Almost at My Goal – Who Wants an Amethyst Pendant?

So far I've raised $531 dollars toward my journey to BlogHer. I have a surprise for y'all. One lucky $50 donor will receive this amethyst pendant from Zachary Pryor.He calls it Grape Soda Kisses: If you donate $50 to send me to BlogHer, you can claim this for your very own. Be quick! It's going to go fast!Click here to grab it

By |July 4th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Almost at My Goal – Who Wants an Amethyst Pendant?

Teaching two year olds- wow!

I've been teaching two year-olds now for three days. It's intense, exhausting, exhilarating, fun, confusing, maddening and fascinating. I've changed a million diapers. But I've also sang many songs, danced, made silly faces, created glittery hats, marched in a parade, made flags, read fairytales, and played catch.I wish I could show you how cute these kids are. There's a lot of cleaning involved with this job too. I've cleaned this classroom way more than I've ever cleaned my own house.My first day was a train wreck. A new girl wandered off and fell in the toilet.But after that I started to get better at my job.The biggest lesson I've learned and the most important is this: slow down.Yes, I live in New York City, one of thefastest paced cities in the world. But these children have only been on this planet for two years and I've been here 33 years. There's a big difference.Take it slow. Break every transition down. And most importantly stay consistent and sing a lot of songs. 🙂

By |July 4th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Teaching two year olds- wow!

I Have a Store – Profits Go to BlogHer13!

I have a store! I am lucky to have friends that know how to do graphic design. My awesome friend Alexandra Sullivan took the OS/NS mom logo (created by my best friend Mint) and morphed it into a logo ready for tee-shirts and other cool things like these: If you feel so inclined, check out the items! All proceeds go to my journey to BlogHer13.Hooray!Here's the link to the shop. It's called: Philosophy Factory!

By |June 29th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on I Have a Store – Profits Go to BlogHer13!

New York City is Not Child Friendly

I was born and raised in New York City. As a child, I remember being taken to various restaurants, museums, and other typically "adult-centric establishments."Now I have my own children. And guess what? No one wants children around in public places in New York City.I cannot tell you how many restaurants I've been to where I've gotten dirty looks because my daughter is two years old and wants to run up and down the aisle of the place. I try to tell her to sit down, but she doesn't listen to me. I try to threaten her "we're going to leave if you don't behave." Then she listens for a minute and promptly proceeds to do whatever I told her not to do because she's two.I try to discipline my kids. But you know what, even when they're behaving "normally" I still get dirty looks from people in public places.I know I'm a good parent and I do the best that I can. But I think there may be a geographic problem here. New York is not a child-friendly city.My friend Bonnie lived in Portland, Oregon for some time. She told me that she was able to take her children [...]

By |June 28th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on New York City is Not Child Friendly
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