I’ve been teaching two year-olds now for three days. It’s intense, exhausting, exhilarating, fun, confusing, maddening and fascinating.
I’ve changed a million diapers. But I’ve also sang many songs, danced, made silly faces, created glittery hats, marched in a parade, made flags, read fairytales, and
played catch.
I wish I could show you how cute these kids are.
There’s a lot of cleaning involved with this job too. I’ve cleaned this classroom way more than I’ve ever cleaned my own house.
My first day was a train wreck. A new girl wandered off and fell in the toilet.
But after that I started to get better at my job.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned and the
most important is this: slow down.
Yes, I live in New York City, one of the
fastest paced cities in the world. But these children have only been on this planet for two years and I’ve been here 33 years. There’s a big difference.
Take it slow. Break every transition down. And most importantly stay consistent and sing a lot of songs. 🙂