Who is My Child?

As my millionth day as a substitute teacher comes to a close, I realize that there are certain universal truths about children. There will always be the smart ass child who remarks snidely when asked to do anything. There will be the eager to please child who offers to collect completed worksheets or gives helpful [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:12:05-04:00May 29th, 2009|Deep Thoughts|Comments Off on Who is My Child?

The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done to Date

I have stayed home with my son for exactly one year now. I just recently re-entered the work force as a substitute teacher for the New York City Department of Education. And let me tell you, after not working for one year, it is tough to go back to work.Don't get me wrong, having and [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:12:33-04:00May 14th, 2009|Deep Thoughts|Comments Off on The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done to Date

Hitting a Frustration Threshold

I have always been an impatient person. I hate waiting in lines, being on hold on the phone, waiting for someone to call me back or answer my text or email. I have an extremely low frustration tolerance. This low frustration tolerance does not come in handy when having a child.Today, my son was having [...]

By |2014-04-06T15:56:49-04:00April 28th, 2009|Deep Thoughts, Rants|Comments Off on Hitting a Frustration Threshold

Trying to Remember

Ever since I gave birth to my son, my memory fails me constantly. I joke often that I actually "gave birth to my brain".It's sad actually. I have blocked out entire chunks of my life. Including specific incidents and conversations that I've had with people.When I tell someone that I don't remember something, its embarrassing. [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:13:06-04:00April 20th, 2009|Anecdotes, Deep Thoughts|Comments Off on Trying to Remember

Going Broke to Go to Preschool

My son is barely one year old, and I am dreading when he turns two. Why I am so afraid for him to turn two? Because I can't afford Preschool.Currently, I am staying home with him and my boyfriend is working. We figured out that if both of us were to work, we wouldn't be [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:13:09-04:00April 17th, 2009|Deep Thoughts|Comments Off on Going Broke to Go to Preschool

Old School New School

You may be wondering why this blog is called Old School/New School Mom. Well, wonder no more!In raising my son, I believe that it is important to take parenting ideas and advice from the previous generation (AKA the Old School) and also integrate parenting advice from our peers (AKA the New School).You will be a [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:13:10-04:00April 16th, 2009|Deep Thoughts, Old School/New School|Comments Off on Old School New School
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