Ari is four years-old now. I can’t believe it! It has truly gone fast. He’ll be going to Pre-K in the fall. I was nervous about him starting school, which is from 8:30 am to 3pm since he’s been home with me for the past four years. So I signed him up for day camp for one week this summer at Barking Cat Studio, where he takes art classes.
Ari being at camp was a great simulation as to how it will be when he goes to school. The hours were the same, 8:30 to 3:30, and he had to bring his lunch. Great practice all around.
The first day of camp I was nervous, but Ari was psyched.

Until we got in the car, and he asked
“Am I going to sleep at camp?”
“No, Ari-Boo, I’m going to pick up up in the afternoon.” I assured him.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
It was hectic trying to get up in the morning this past week. I had to wake him up at 7am every day, and I was doing things like holding my coffee and Samara at the same time while frantically searching for my pants and keys.
But it all paid off, Ari had a blast at camp.
This week’s theme was Puppets Puppets Puppets! The kids made marionettes:

They also visited puppet-themed places in the city. But first they made personalized sketch pads so that they could record their journeys with artistic memories:

As a part of puppets week, the kids visited the Marionette Theater in Central Park:

They also visited Puppet Works and saw a live puppet show!
Ari also got to visit one of his favorite places of all time, The Museum of Natural History:

And of course, there was an art project each day for the kids to enjoy!

Thank you Karen and Maria for making this such a special week for Ari. He had so much fun at camp!
If you want to sign your kiddo up for camp at Barking Cat, click here!