This morning Ari and I rushed around getting ready for his pre school’s trip to Governor’s Island. I was so tired that I decided to wear the same clothes I wore yesterday, even though I had a giant peanut butter stain on my pants.

We got on the train, and Ari started freaking out.
Why was he so upset, you might ask? Well, he wanted to sit in an actual seat. So I obliged.
Things were okay after that. We got off the train, and I got lost several times in Battery Park before we arrived at the ferry to Governor’s Island. We were just in time!
We arrived at Governor’s Island.
Upon entering Governor’s Island, we walked straight to the Children’s Museum.
But it was not yet open. So we walked around enjoying some of the scenery. Ari played with some leaves.
Then he ran away and found a stick.

We tried to make a “dinosaur egg,” (which means putting paper mache material on a balloon to re-create an enormous egg) but Ari loves balloons so much that the thought of putting paper mache on a balloon made him very mad.

And then he…
Unfortunately, I could not join him.