Thought of The Day: Coffee = Oxygen Mask

You know what they tell you on an airplane?"Put your oxygen mask on yourself, before assisting others?"Well, this is how I feel about my morning cup of coffee. It is my oxygen mask. Before that cup, I am useless to others. There is nothing like that morning cup of coffee! And the first sip...oh yeah!After [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:03:55-04:00March 6th, 2010|Coffee, Deep Thoughts|Comments Off on Thought of The Day: Coffee = Oxygen Mask

Java Love…At 18 Months

My love affair with coffee began in May 2008 when my son was born. That steaming cup in the morning makes me feel more like a human being than a blob of incoherency. Recently, my son started to take notice of my dear friend, the coffee mug, and his curiosity got the best of him.**Fortunately, [...]

By |2014-04-06T02:08:47-04:00November 30th, 2009|Coffee|Comments Off on Java Love…At 18 Months

For the Love of Coffee

Well folks, it's been a year. My son is turning one tomorrow and I am getting nostalgic. Many things have helped me survive throughout this year; my boyfriend, my incredibly supportive friends and family, even my cats and one more crucial Coffee, I love you very much. You got me through a very hard [...]

By |2014-04-06T15:54:03-04:00May 5th, 2009|Coffee|Comments Off on For the Love of Coffee
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