Yesterday was Sunday, so all I wanted to do was lay on the couch, but I knew that if I did that, at the end of the day I would feel like a total sloth. Instead of being lazy, I packed up the kinder in the Fadermobile, and told them that we were headed to see the dinosaurs at The American Museum of Natural History.
By the time we got out of the house, it was around 1:30pm. We drove my dad into the city, because he just got a part in a play, so he had to sign a contract on 42nd Street. After that, the kids took a nap in the car, and by the time we got to the Upper West Side, they were awake and starving. So we went to Ceasar’s Pizza, on 84th and Amsterdam Avenue, to eat.

We had a late lunch, and by the time we finished eating it was 5:00pm. The museum closes daily at 5:45pm. I told Ari we had to rush, otherwise we would miss the dinosaurs! He immediately jumped up from his seat, got Samara ready in the stroller, and off we went!
We were going at a great pace, Ari was so excited to see the dinosaurs that he was actually running down the street. Until he got tired…and wanted to “rest”…on someone’s stoop.
I reminded him that we were in a rush, and if we didn’t hurry were going to miss the dinosaurs! Well…that didn’t work. He still kept lollygagging around, until I pointed to a couple of kids who were running up the block.
“Can you catch those kids?” I asked him. “Go run and get ’em!”
This was a challenge he was glad to take on. He bolted up the block to catch the children in question. Since he was so fast, I don’t have pictures to document his success.
We got to the Musuem of Natural History at 5:20pm, which meant we only had 25 minutes to spend there.
But…the good news was…the last hour the museum is open is…FREE! WHOOO HOOO! The museum is a suggested donation institution in general, but this was a nice surprise.
Here are the highlights of what we saw in 25 minutes: