I want to talk about moving, not moving from my apartment, but rather moving my bedroom. I would like to exist in the back room of my apartment. It’s fabulous in every way. First of all, I wouldn’t have to disturb Wil while he is sleeping. Every time I want to get dressed or get something from my own bedroom I see this:
And each time I see him slumbering away, while I am chasing after a toddler, I want to kill him a little more.
But I know he has to sleep, he works the night shift and therefore he must sleep during the daytime hours.
Which leads me to my solution: We should move our bedroom to the back room of the apartment. It’s such a lovely room and it’s removed from the rest of the apartment so Wil could get some undistubed sleep! Our current bedroom could become an office and a dressing room (with dressers and a closet).
But let’s talk about the back room for a moment, shall we? The windows in the back room look out to this:
My parent’s garden, my safe haven.
There are a few problems:
Problem #1
The back room currently looks like this:That’s a huge problem. I’m still working with Dara, of Spatial Harmony, to de-clutter this room. That woman is a saint, I tell you. My friend Josina (who hired Dara to de-clutter her closet) and I talk about how wonderfully calm Dara is in the face of scary clutter.
Anyway, on to problem #2.
Problem #2
The ceiling may or may not be falling apart. See exhibits A and B below:
Problem #3
In order to fix the ceiling, we need lots of money. We do not have said money.
The solution: I’ve taken matters into my own hands, and started a for profit organization called:
“Fix My Ceiling and Give Me Money.” Abbreviated into FMCAGMM.
If you would like to contribute to FMCAGMM, which would lead me to future joy and less resentment toward my boyfriend, please send me a check or money order. Sorry, no C.O.Ds.
For my mailing address, email oldschoolnewschoolmom@oldschoolnewschoolmom.com
We here at FMCAGMM also accept Paypal! Paypal to oldschoolnewschoolmom@oldschoolnewschoolmom.com.
Thank you in advance for your charitable donations!