When you begin to type the words “My Sigg” in the Google search engine, one of the phrases that automatically comes up is “My Sigg bottle smells.” I must confess that I was having this very problem. Despite my efforts to rinse out my Sigg water bottle with dish washing liquid and water, it still had a funny odor.
I called the Sigg customer service center at (203)321-1220. I explained my problem to the receptionst. I then asked her this:
“What is the best way to clean my Sigg?”
“Use a drop of dish washing liquid and a little bit of vinegar. Dilute this solution with water. Let your bottle sit overnight. This will sterilize your bottle. Then rinse it out completely in the morning.”
So I gave it a shot. And you know what? It worked! Then I had a flashback. I remembered a while back I was on the phone with my dad. He was raving about the fact that he had cleaned the bathroom with a solution of vinegar and water. Vinegar was his new natural cleaning agent.
I can tell you this; combined with dishing washing liquid, vinegar is excellent at cleaning a Sigg water bottle!