It’s the review you all have been waiting for…
So those of you that have been following my blog know that I recently wrote to FuzziBunz to ask for a sample cloth diaper. Well, I received in the mail not only one, but two FuzziBunz one size fits all diapers.
The diapers are well made and of excellent quality.
The part of cloth diapering that really intimidated me was the washing. I knew that there were multiple steps involved in washing cloth diapers, but I didn’t know what they were. But FuzziBunz makes it look easy. On their website they have simple direct washing instructions.
All one has to do is this:
1. Remove the soiled diaper insert
2. Dump any solid waste directly into the toilet and flush!
3. Do a cold rinse of the diaper and the insert with no detergent
4. Do a hot wash with a mild detergent safe for cloth diapering (like Seventh Generation free and clear or Seven Generation Baby)
5. **Optional*** If the washer you are using does not rinse with cold water after the hot wash, then you need to do another cold rinse cycle.
6. Finally, tumble dry the diaper(s) and insert(s) on a low or delicate setting.
It sounds arduous at first glance, but it was really simple and didn’t take me very long at all. In fact the cold rinse itself only takes like 15 minutes in my washer. There is an option on my washer to skip directly to the cold rinse instead of going through an entire wash cycle.
Fuzzi Bunz diapers are really impressive. They hold in the waste products extremely well, they stay on my son’s little body excellently. All in all, bravo! They are an excellent product. I am so glad that FuzziBunz allowed me the chance to sample their product. And now that I have sampled their excellent cloth diapers, I have decided to purchase them.
For more information about FuzziBunz, visit their website