Let Sleeping Dads Lie…Or Not…
Let Sleeping Dads Lie...Or Not...
The Cat Chronicles
I have mentioned in previous posts how much my son loves Egreck, my gregarious and surprisingly malleable black cat. I have several pictures of the two snuggling together. But now there's even more tangible evidence of my son's love for his feline friend, Egreck. It is documented on video! The Cat Chronicles
The Video Diary of a Toddler
Adults lead busy lives, but so do children; especially toddlers. There is a lot on the agenda for a toddler. Whether it's collecting office supplies and then promptly destroying them, chasing the household pets, or finding out what's inside a box and then eating it, regardless of whether or not it is objectively edible. All [...]
Ari Discovers The Webcam
After several fruitless attempts to get my son away from the computer, I decided to embrace his obsession with this particular technology. Instead of letting him blindly bang on the keyboard, I had another plan. I introduced him to the webcam where he could see himself on the computer screen. Needless to say he was [...]