On Monday nights, I play Magic The Gathering with a group of guys. I was introduced to Monday Night Magic by my doula, Cori’s, husband Kodjo. One of the regulars at Monday Night Magic is Ernie. One fateful night, Ernie mentioned that he was going to do something crazy over the summer. He, and a couple of guys that he trains with at New York Jiu Jitsu, Jumanji and James, were going to raise the money to buy an ambulance and drive it from England to Mongolia. On this journey, they would pass through 17 countries and they might even blare the siren on the ambulance some of the time, just because they can.
When I found out about this, I thought it was an awesome concept, and I told Ernie I wanted to make the guys a video describing their trip. Without further ado, here’s what I came up with, The Road to Mongolia.