Do you remember Kindergarten? I do. Do you remember playing with these:

They’re called “Geometric Pattern Blocks.” I was reminded of them when I began subbing for the NYC Dept. of Education and spent a lot of time in Kindergarten classrooms.

Maybe if you saw them individually, it would jog your memory even more:

Please pardon my dirty floor. Anyhow, I grew re-enamored with them as I spent more and more time with five-year-olds.

After being re-introduced to these blocks in school, my friend Cordy and I were talking about how cool they were, and I actually ended up buying them here.

You can make really cool designs with them. Like:

Ari enjoyed playing with these blocks, even though he is a bit young for them. The recommended age is three years old. He’s not even 2 1/2.

He just had to be supervised with them.

He was really into stacking them.

I foresee that these blocks will be a great tool for teaching Ari shapes. He already knows “circle” “square” and “triangle,” but now we can move on to more obscure ones like “diamond” and “hexagon.” Yeah, like I use the word “hexagon” on a daily basis.

Anyway, if you wanna buy these, I got them at Discount School Supply after a quick Google search. Click here for more info.

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