I recently had the opportunity to attend a press conference on Mayim Bialik’s new parenting book “Beyond the Sling.” I was really excited.
I had the chance to interview Mayim after the press conference about her book, which, by the way is fantastic. It’s a memoir-based parenting book on Attachment Parenting and her own experiences as a mother.

Mayim, as you may know, was an actress on the TV show Blossom from the early 90’s. She then went on to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience at UCLA, get married, and have two sons, Miles and Fred. After having kids, she became a fierce breast feeding advocate and a certified lactation consultation.
Here’s what Mayim had to say about her book. She even gives me some suggestions on Ari’s sleep issues.
I’ll be giving away a copy of “Beyond The Sling” soon. Stay tuned for more details on that.